About Fleet Racing
Fleet racing is the most common form of sail boat racing and is simply a competition where sail boats race each other over an established course. The course can be around or between buoys, it can use geographical features such as islands as boundaries and it can be either a short course on an inland body of water or set offshore for long distances.
The rules for fleet racing are set by World Sailing and can be supplemented by race-specific rules set by the organizers of a particular race. Rule infractions are resolved either by a boat voluntarily taking a penalty during the race or by protest lodged and heard after the race.
This year, three classes of boats will be used: 2.4m OD, Hansa 303 and RS Venture.

2.4m OD
The 2.4 meter is 13 feet 8 inches long. Designed for competitive sailing, it is easily handled, trailered, launched and stored. The 2.4 meter is perhaps the best, most fun single handed boat you will ever sail. It can be as tactical, technical, and fast as you want it to be. In many ways, it is like sailing your own small 12 meter. Anyone who has sailed a 2.4 meter will tell you that they are exciting to sail, very competitive to race, and offer loads of FUN.

Hansa 303
The Hansa 303 is ideal for those sailors who wish to take their sailing more seriously. The Hansa 303 will balance perfectly when sailed single-handed, but is still fun and responsive when sailed by two adults.

RS Venture
The RS Venture Connect is a versatile, modern GRP keelboat with asymmetric gennaker. Plug & Play para sailing equipment options allow the boat to be configured to suit virtually any sailor – allowing the boat to be used for all sailing programs and making supplied-equipment regattas and exciting competition formats possible.